

Our contract with Sarahuaro enables us to provide training, life skills and English language education to destitute mothers from impoverished neighbourhoods of Cabo San Lucas. In addition, our contract provides meal services to children in the Leonardo Gastelum primary school, located in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Cabo San Lucas.


Sarahuaro is a not for profit organization registered with the Mexican government and has an independent Board of Directors. The mission of Fundación Sarahuaro is to support women through educational activities, in order to develop skills that enable them to improve themselves, their families, and their community. In addition, it supports one of the very few lunch programmes within a Cabo San Lucas primary school.


Sarahuaro has achieved this mission primarily by offering classes and workshops at its community center. These courses are typically 3 months long, and cover a range of topics including basic life skills, language and literacy, and job training. In addition, it finances and operates a kitchen on a primary school property in Cabo San Lucas and currently serves over 300 meals per day to students who would otherwise go malnourished.